Super duper mac backup software
Super duper mac backup software

super duper mac backup software

Yet other programs, utilities as they are probably termed have been updated. An app, I also miss, CuteClips3 doesn't work either and the creator is working on a new version. SuperDuper is not an app as I erroroniously referred to it. Thank G-d for SuperDuper, which never falters, and for the time being feel lost without it. The irony is when ever I need to depend on Time Machine, it falters. On my iMac with an external 3TB bus powered (love it), Time Machine is working dandily for me. Sorry also to learn of your difficulties with Time Machine. I was only repeating his advice in case it was useful. It's Dave, the creator of SuperDuper, in his website blog recommendations who advised us to use Time Machine.

#Super duper mac backup software how to#

But I know how to be mindful of how Dave does things, and waiting is. I doubt what I have posited is any surprise and a source of.

super duper mac backup software

Time Machine is set to do its thing but I never rely on Time Machine. Frankly, I rely on these apps and miss them, but I also respect Dave and others who are not going to rush a version that will turn around and bite us and then in turn Dave. There are also a number of other apps I use that are advising their user base that they, the engineers/creators are taking their time before rushing out a version. I, too, was very disappointed hoping that Apple would have released to creators like Dave in advance and with adequate time to develop a proper release.

super duper mac backup software

Dave is working on a solution for a version that he feels is worthy of being released that will work to the standards he maintains for Shirt Pocket's SuperDuper which Dave founded. He recommends using Time Machine in the interim. Dave stated that it would be foolish at this stage of just being introduced to Big Sur to rush a version that may work with Big Sur. I, too, am a long time user (since 2008). Visiting Shirt Pocket, David Nanian has already replied re Big Sur. My suggestion, jimpal, if you wish, is to wait for a reliable version of SuperDuper to work with Big Sur.

Super duper mac backup software